108 years and still with the same sparkle!

17th November 2022

Our oldest resident, the amazing Mary Jacob, celebrated her 108th birthday today surrounded by family, friends, staff and some special young guests from Notre Dame school in Cobham.

The students aged from 7 to 17 visited to sing to her and present the beautiful card Year 3 students had made. Mary was clearly delighted and happily chatted away to them all and their teachers. The older students were especially keen to meet her, as several of them used to come and sing to Mary and other residents before the pandemic and this was the first time they’d been back.

“Everyone is so kind!” Mary said and seemed to love all the attention despite having a busy day opening a pile of cards and presents including special wishes from the new King and Queen Consort and doing a birthday interview with a national newspaper!

Her party was clearly the place to be and lots of residents made a special effort to be there. The cake and pink fizz flowed, and her family entertained everyone with some amusing and amazing stories from her life.

A true survivor, Mary lived through two global pandemics and two world wars – including numerous bombing raids while serving as a nurse for the Red Cross in London during World War II. During one attack, she was dramatically rescued by a soldier: “He threw me to the ground and jumped on top of me to protect me”, she said. “He saved my life. If he hadn’t done that I wouldn’t be here”.

Born in Brockley, south London in 1914, Mary never married. Her family describe her as a `very selfless person’ who spent her life serving others. After the war she worked as a veterinary nurse and later cared for her parents until they died. She continued as a volunteer for the Red Cross however, and in 2000 was given a special award by the charity in recognition of her service.

Asked about her longevity Mary said: “I haven’t got any special secrets – in fact it’s a mystery how I’ve got to this age after so many near misses! But I’ve been lucky and had a good life, so I’m very content”.

Those who know her best say she has a wonderfully positive and upbeat outlook on life and her family recall that she’s always been one to say `yes` to things and especially dinner and party invitations!  Mary certainly has not lost her sparkle and still delights everyone with her cheeky sense of humour and fabulous smile – most definitely an inspiration to us all!

On her last birthday Mary was interviewed by Brooklands Radio, and their reporter also chatted to our staff about her, and you can listen to the interview again here.

Happy Birthday Mary from all of us at The Whiteley Homes Trust and the residents of Whiteley Village!

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